
All tungsten is packaged 10 pieces of 7" and priced per box. Special diameters and lengths available, please contact sales for inquiries. Prices subject to change without notice. Cryo-T is available in Standard only. Choose from the following sizes: .040"  | 1/16" | 3/32" | 1/8" | 5/32" | 3/16" | 1/4" Tungsten FAQs

Cryogenically treated thoriated tungsten which provides a more dense structure of the thoriated tungsten blend. Easier starting as compared to standard 2% Thoriated tungsten. Results include easier arc starts as well as extended tungsten life.

Tungsten FAQs


The benefits of Premium tungsten?

  • Reliable arc-striking
  • Low burn-off rate
  • Highest quality of arc
  • 35% less power consumption
  • 40% prolonged service life
  • 50% less set-up costs
  • 50% less gas consumption
  • 100% reproducible results